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Real Estate Investing

Here’s Why You Should Add CRE To Your Portfolio



Investing in commercial real estate can be confusing to a new investor, with dizzying numbers and jargon — making investors wary of entering the market. However, investing in institutional-style real estate is actually easier than you think—and the perks are great to boot.

Sound income potential, along with solid stability and protection to weather a downside during volatility in the market. What’s not to like? Here are some ways (and reasons) to get started.

You don’t have to be an expert

Investing in CRE doesn’t require you to be an expert at it. Here’s where sponsors come in. And no, a sponsor isn’t an advertiser. “Sponsor” is just industry jargon for asset operator who syndicates that funds and makes the deal happen.

The sponsor would become your partner to handle anything from funding to managing the investment. They manage the asset. You collect the income.

Even though you’re not managing anything, you should only investing in properties and/or sponsors you’re comfortable with. (Here are a few factors to consider.)

Long-term thinking

Another upside to investing in commercial real estate is its long-term focus. It protects your downside and is engineered to collect big returns over time.

On the flipside, if you’re just looking to make quick buck, CRE might not be the right investment space for you. Plus your money’s locked up for a pre-set contractual period — you can’t just cash out anytime you want.

How do you choose a deal?

These institutional-style deals used to be circulated among so-called “accredited investors,” an SEC distinction given to “sophisticated investors.”

The SEC put this rule in place to make sure uninformed investors don’t lose money in deals they don’t understand. But it also created a barrier for good investors who couldn’t qualify for the distinction.


The JOBS Act came around, allowing everyday investors to own a piece of assets like the World Trade Center through real estate crowdfunding. There are tons of online marketplaces that give you access to syndicated deals. And if you’re not into that? Well, there’s always REITs.

Real Estate Investing

5 Recession-Proof Investments for Your Portfolio



By Sheryl Chapman
As we all know, the economy can be unpredictable at times. Recession is a common phenomenon that can affect the investments in your portfolio.

But don’t worry, there are some sectors that are likely to perform well—even during a recession. Here are five recession-proof investments that you can consider adding to your portfolio.

(Editor’s note***********:************ If you wanna learn how to start investing for retirement, check out the free lessons inside the academy! 📺)*

1. Consumer staples

Consumer staples are products that are essential to our daily lives, such as food, household goods, and personal care items.

These products are in constant demand, regardless of the economic climate. Companies that produce these items, such as Procter & Gamble and Coca-Cola, are considered recession-proof investments.

These companies have a stable revenue stream that can weather economic downturns.

2. Utilities

Utilities are another recession-resistant investment. People need electricity, gas, and water, regardless of the state of the economy.

Utility companies, such as Duke Energy and American Electric Power, have a steady stream of revenue and provide investors with a reliable source of income.

3. Healthcare

The healthcare industry is recession-proof because it provides essential services that people cannot do without. Companies that provide healthcare services or products, such as Johnson & Johnson and UnitedHealth Group, are likely to remain profitable during a recession.

4. Gold

Gold is a safe-haven investment that many investors turn to during times of economic uncertainty. Gold prices tend to rise during recessions because it is seen as a store of value. Investors can buy physical gold, gold ETFs, or invest in gold mining stocks.

GUIDE: 3 Ways To Invest In Gold In 3 Minutes Or Less 🔑📲

5. Treasury bonds

Treasury bonds are considered to be one of the safest investments during a recession.

These bonds are issued by the US government and are backed by the full faith and credit of the government. Treasury bonds provide a fixed income and are considered to be a low-risk investment.

In conclusion, these five investments are considered to be recession-proof because they provide essential products or services that people cannot do without.

Adding these investments to your portfolio can provide stability during times of economic uncertainty.

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Real Estate Investing

5 Tips To Pricing Your Airbnb Listing For Maximum Profits



Airbnb has revolutionized the travel industry by providing an affordable and unique way for travelers to experience different destinations.

With over 7 million listings worldwide, it’s safe to say that Airbnb has become one of the most popular ways for travelers to find lodging.

However, as a host, one of the most challenging decisions you’ll face is determining the right price for your listing.

Pricing your Airbnb listing correctly is critical to your success as a host, as it can make or break your profitability.

Here are some tips to help you price your Airbnb listing for maximum profit:

Know Your Market

Before you set your price, it’s essential to research the market in your area. Look at other listings in your neighborhood, paying attention to the size of the property, amenities, and location. Check the availability of your competitors and the average price they charge. This information will help you determine your pricing strategy and ensure that your listing is competitive.

Consider Seasonal Demand

Seasonal demand plays a significant role in the pricing of your Airbnb listing. During peak seasons, such as holidays, festivals, and major events, you can charge higher rates. Conversely, during low seasons, you’ll need to lower your prices to attract guests. Keep track of events happening in your area and adjust your prices accordingly.

Offer Discounts

Offering discounts is an effective way to attract guests and increase your occupancy rate. Consider offering discounts for extended stays, early bookings, or last-minute reservations. You can also offer discounts to guests who leave a positive review or refer new guests to your listing.

Calculate Your Costs

To ensure that your pricing strategy is profitable, you need to calculate your costs. Take into account expenses such as cleaning fees, utilities, maintenance, and taxes. Factor in your time and effort as well. Your goal is to set a price that will cover all your costs while still allowing you to make a profit.

Be Flexible

Finally, be flexible with your pricing strategy. Test different prices and see how they affect your occupancy rate and profitability. Monitor your competition regularly and adjust your prices accordingly. Remember that the market is constantly changing, and your pricing strategy needs to adapt to stay competitive.

In conclusion, pricing your Airbnb listing for maximum profit is a crucial aspect of your success as a host. By researching your market, considering seasonal demand, offering discounts, calculating your costs, and being flexible, you can set the right price for your listing and maximize your profitability.

Happy hosting!

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Real Estate Investing

5 Skyscrapers You Can Own Today With $5 Or Less



5 REITs that own iconic buildings you can buy today

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are companies that own and operate income-generating real estate properties.

Investing in REITs has become an increasingly popular way to own a piece of the real estate market without having to buy individual properties.

And you can buy them in the next 5 minutes on the NYCE app…with $5 or less.

Here are five REITs that own iconic buildings across the United States that you can invest in today:

  1. Empire State Realty Trust, Inc. (ESRT) – ESRT owns the famous Empire State Building in New York City, as well as several other properties in the city.
  2. Vornado Realty Trust (VNO) – VNO owns the iconic 555 California Street building in San Francisco, which was once the tallest building on the West Coast.
  3. Boston Properties, Inc. (BXP) – BXP owns several iconic buildings in the United States, including the John Hancock Tower in Boston and the Salesforce Tower in San Francisco.
  4. SL Green Realty Corp. (SLG) – SLG owns several iconic properties in New York City, including One Vanderbilt, which is currently the fourth-tallest building in the city.
  5. Macerich Company (MAC) – MAC owns several high-end shopping centers across the United States, including the iconic Santa Monica Place in California.

************************************************************************************************LEARN: How to own real estate with $1000 or less.

Investing in REITs can provide diversification and potentially higher returns than investing in individual properties. However, as with any investment, it is important to do your research and understand the risks involved.

The NYCE app is available for download on iOS and Android.

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