Have you ever driven around your city and seen all these apartment complexes, shopping plazas, or even office buildings? I always used to think they were...
There are a lot of ratios to look at when investing in real estate, and it can get confusing. One of the lesser used but still...
As the market heats up, it becomes more and more fashionable to find off-market deals. But, not all “off-market” deals are worth buying. In fact, a...
Believe it or not, becoming a millionaire doesn’t take much capital. It mainly a mindset shift as it pertains to money. In order to unpack how...
It’s a tried and tested rule of wealth-building thumb: One of the best ways to become a millionaire is through real estate investments. But what makes your...
What up #wealthgang. OK, so whenever there’s economic uncertainty, there’s opportunity en masse — and this pandemic is no different. But we’re not about that COVID-19,...
What up #wealthgang. OK, so whenever there’s economic uncertainty, there’s opportunity en masse — and this pandemic is no different. But we’re not about that COVID-19,...
Yes, we’re heading into the ninth inning of the lockdown, and yes, we’re ready to step outside and be real people again. Still, Instagram has been—and...
What up #wealthgang. OK, so whenever there’s economic uncertainty, there’s opportunity en masse — and this pandemic is no different. But we’re not about that COVID-19,...
So, you’ve finally decided to purchase a home. After years of contemplating if you should buy or rent, then saving, building your credit etc, it’s now time...